Session: Interventions don't work or Cause harm (Society for Prevention Research 27th Annual Meeting)

2-037 Interventions don't work or Cause harm

Wednesday, May 29, 2019: 1:15 PM-2:45 PM
Garden Room B (Hyatt Regency San Francisco)
Theme: Development and Testing of Interventions
Laura Clary

* noted as presenting author
WITHDRAWN: Heterogeneity in Short- and Long-Term Impacts of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) on Academic Outcomes, Behavioral Outcomes, and Criminal Activity. a National Register Study
Nicolai T. Borgen, PhD, University of Oslo; Lars Johannessen Kirkebøen, PhD, Statistics Norway; Terje Gunnar Ogden, PhD, The Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development; Oddbjørn Raaum, PhD, Frisch Centre for Economic Research; Mari-Anne Sørlie, Cand.Paed.Spec, The Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development (NUBU)
From Unplugged to Tamojunto: Changes in the Content of a Preventive Program Could Justify a Negative Effect on the Initiation of Alcohol Use in Early Adolescence?
Zila M. Sanchez, PhD, Universidade Federal de São Paulo; Juliana Valente, MSc, Universidade Federal de São Paulo; Clarice Madruga, PhD, Universidade Federal de São Paulo; Ana Paula Dias Pereira, PhD, Universidade Federal de São Paulo; Daniela Ribeiro Schneider, PhD, Federal University of Santa Catarina
Embracing ‘Failure’ in Prevention Science: How Can We Promote a More Open and Honest Response to Trial Results Showing That Interventions ‘Don’t Work’ or Cause Harm?
Nick Axford, PhD, University of Plymouth / PenCLAHRC; Vashti Berry, PhD, University of Exeter; Jenny J Lloyd, PhD, University of Exeter; Katrina Wyatt, PhD, University of Exeter; Tim Hobbs, PhD, Dartington Service Design Lab