Session: Special Interest Group Meeting I: Building Prevention Workforce Capacity though the Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (Society for Prevention Research 27th Annual Meeting)

2-024 Special Interest Group Meeting I: Building Prevention Workforce Capacity though the Prevention Technology Transfer Centers

Wednesday, May 29, 2019: 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Grand Ballroom C (Hyatt Regency San Francisco)
Brittany Cooper
Kevin P. Haggerty and Alyssa O'Hair
Many programs, policies, and practices have shown to prevent behavioral health problems, but there are still few evidence-based interventions implemented at the scale needed to impact population health. To truly unleash the power of prevention, we must cross disciplinary boundaries in both academia and in the health and human service professions to build the capacity necessary to break through these barriers. This SIG is being facilitated by the SAMHSA-funded Northwest and Pacific Southwest Prevention Technology Transfer Centers, which aim to develop the strategies necessary to do this. We hope fellow prevention scientists and practitioners will join us in discussing how we can work together to build a highly skilled and robust prevention workforce to assure the successful translation of prevention science into positive outcomes for youth, families, and communities across the nation.