The papers in this symposium all explore barriers and facilitators to trauma-informed care. They use different methodologies and focus on a variety of settings (community, healthcare, and schools). Specifically, the first paper in the symposium will utilize data from three studies to classify barriers and facilitators of trauma-informed care onto the dimensions of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. This paper suggests the importance of focusing on facilitators to trauma-informed care including characteristics of the individual and inner setting. The second paper in the symposium concentrates on culturally-informed trauma-informed care. This paper supports an ecological understanding of barriers and a necessity of focusing on the family and building relationships as critical to the practice of trauma-informed care for Hispanic families. Finally, the third paper presents the results of a pre-implementation intervention to support Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in School (CBITS). The intervention found changes in clinicians’ attitudes and intentions about the intervention, however, actual implementation was not impacted. These papers highlight a variety of challenges, but more importantly suggest opportunities to support trauma-informed systems. A discussant with expertise in creating community and school mental health systems will provide suggestions about strategies to overcome barriers and foster facilitators.