Objective: With the rise of mobile use and social media, the number of interactive websites for behavioral health and education are growing. As well, many intervention developers are adapting their programs for use online. Mobile delivered content can be an adjunct to face-to-face treatment or serve s the main method of delivering an intervention. As part of our research efforts, we have developed T-BIDS: a non-technical content management system for authors of behavioral health and education programs interested in using mobile technology to disseminate their programs and create a web-based platform for education and treatment.
Method: T-BIDS allows research staff direct access to web-based intervention content. With regard to transfer of behavioral interventions to a secure, reliable web server and programming of the new website, the iOS and Android mobile applications are fully automated using the Angular JS, Node and Apache Cordova programming languages. All data transmitted via the internet are secured by 256-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption to ensure data security and confidentiality. The end user experience can be delivered as either an installed mobile application (either Android or iOS) or web browser application.
Findings: T-BIDS has been used for several research projects (see below). T-BIDS has allowed staff across the country to collaborate in real time to develop the web-based professional development program.
Impact: Using Technology-based Behavioral Intervention Delivery System (T-BIDS), development is moved from emphasis on programming to content creation allowing authors to post, edit and disseminate their behavioral health and educational interventions themselves.
Equipment: The presenter will demonstrate Technology-based Behavioral Intervention Delivery System (T-BIDS), with a laptop and mobile devices. Illustrations will be presented via poster to address key components.
Funding: Technology-based Behavioral Intervention Delivery System (T-BIDS), has been supported from grants from NIH, IES and CDC (R40MC26822, R305A14038, R324A160158, R324A160070, R01 HD086894, 1R43HD081831, R01HD064870, R21HD062874, and R18CE001705)