The momentum for dialogue and action is promising; however, there is a need to ensure that sound empirically informed speech is part of the dialogue. It is also critical to develop our ability and the ability of the next generation of prevention scientists to have difficult conversations on controversial topics in the field of prevention science. The purpose of this roundtable discussion is to discuss ways in which we can build our capacity to engage in and facilitate respectful dialogue and empirically-based actions.
The discussants for this roundtable are demographically and disciplinarily diverse. This panel includes an expert in adolescent development/prevention/policy (SD Lynne), an expert on school climate/policy (J Conway-Turner), an expert on bullying/sexual harassment/suicide prevention (DL Espelage), an expert on equitable outcomes among diverse youth in schools (E Pas), an expert on gun policy/violence prevention (DW Webster), and an expert on facilitating transformative dialogue on controversial topics (J Vanapalli). The unique perspectives and experiences of the panelists will provide opportunities to identify challenges across disciplines and discuss actionable strategies to improve the translation of prevention science across research, practice, and policy.