This roundtable is one planned part of the data interpretation process. This session brings leaders in the field of prevention research, and specifically those that have expertise in or a special interest in training, together with task force members. First, the methodology and highlighted results will be summarized (15 min). Second, each prevention researcher on the panel will be given an opportunity to respond to the results (30 min). Last, the roundtable will close with full group discussion among roundtable panelists and attendees (45 min). Possible discussion questions include: What is one finding that stands out to you or surprised you? Given your role in prevention research, and in training up-and-coming scientists, how might you apply these results to your work, your university, or your own training? What is the most critical area for training? Do you believe anything is missing, or that there are any gaps? If so, what are they?
Notes from the discussion will be recorded and integrated into the final draft of the report to the SPR Board of Directors. These results will inform training opportunities for current and future SPR members for the next 10 years.
Task Force Co-Organizers
Ashley Knapp, PhD, Dartmouth
Brittany Cooper, PhD, Washington State University