Session: Interventions for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Native American Populations (Society for Prevention Research 22nd Annual Meeting)

2-017 Interventions for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Native American Populations

Wednesday, May 28, 2014: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Regency D (Hyatt Regency Washington)
Kathy Etz
Aria Davis Crump
Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians have long endured poorer health status than others who occupy the same physical land. While the realities of these disparities are well known among health researchers, relatively few efforts have been undertaken to scientifically test approaches to improving health in these populations. This poster symposium features the collaborative work of health researchers and community partners seeking to identify culturally driven and sustainable approaches to improving health in Native people.  Investigators participating in this symposium have received support from one or more of six NIH Institutes and Centers under the Program Announcement PAR-11-346, "Interventions for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Native American Populations.”  This session promises innovative science to address a diverse array of health concerns across the developmental spectrum such as tobacco use, alcohol and drug abuse, indoor air quality, and child wellness.  Some projects involve elevating the role of traditional Native practices in prevention and some involve adaptation or integration of traditional and Western best practices.   All take advantage of the tools of Community-Based Participatory Research.   Each presenter will highlight the progress made in their work to date and expectations for this promising research collaboration. Some will feature the process of cultural adaptation, others will discuss the content of the intervention, and while others will present focus group or other data to date.  A discussion and question and answer session will follow the presentation of the projects.

* noted as presenting author
Development of a New Substance Prevention Program Using Culture for Urban Native American Youth
Daniel Dickerson, MD, University of California, Los Angeles; Ryan Brown, PhD, RAND Corporation
A Primary Prevention Trial to Strengthen Child Attachment in a Native Community
Cathryn Booth-LaForce, PhD, University of Washington