Abstract: WITHDRAWN: The Opioid Epidemic in Rural America (Society for Prevention Research 26th Annual Meeting)

486 WITHDRAWN: The Opioid Epidemic in Rural America

Friday, June 1, 2018
Everglades (Hyatt Regency Washington, Washington, DC)
* noted as presenting author
Khary Rigg, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Amanda Sharp, MPH, Research Assistant, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Over the last two decades, opioid use disorders and opioid-related mortality rates have increased dramatically to become serious public health problems in the United States. Opioid-related mortality has reached epidemic levels in certain rural areas of the U.S., such as Appalachia, New England, and the Mountain West, while remaining relatively low in others, such as the south and Great Plains. However, explanations for spatial variation in opioid use disorders and mortality are unclear, resulting in potentially ineffective policies and interventions. The goal of this presentation is to summarize the existing literature on the opioid epidemic in the rural U.S. This presentation will: 1) discuss the origins of the opioid epidemic in rural areas, 2) describe spatial heterogeneity in rural opioid use disorders and mortality, 3) summarize factors that likely contribute to this heterogeneity, 4) discuss potential strategies for addressing the opioid epidemic in the hardest-hit rural areas, and 5) summarize the challenges involved with researching the opioid epidemic in rural places and suggest areas for future research. This presentation will provide important insights for public health professionals, prevention specialists, researchers, and policymakers toward developing place-based solutions to the current opioid epidemic.