Session: Effectiveness of Prevention Programs to Promote Physical Health (Society for Prevention Research 25th Annual Meeting)

2-052 Effectiveness of Prevention Programs to Promote Physical Health

Wednesday, May 31, 2017: 4:30 PM-6:00 PM
Bryce (Hyatt Regency Washington, Washington, DC)
Theme: Building Healthier Communities through Investments in Prevention
Mariela Shirley

* noted as presenting author
Abstract of Distinction: The Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) in Girls and Women: Developing a Prevention Research Agenda and Conceptual Framework
Sonya S. Brady, PhD, University of Minnesota School of Public Health; Tamara Bavendam, MD, MS, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases; Amanda Berry, PhD, MSN, CRNP, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; Cynthia S. Fok, MD, MPH, University of Minnesota School of Medicine; Sheila Gahagan, MD, MPH, University of California San Diego School of Medicine; Patricia S. Goode, MD, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine; Cecilia T. Hardacker, MSN, RN, CNL, Howard Brown Health; Bernard L. Harlow, PhD, Boston University School of Public Health; Jeni Hebert-Beirne, PhD, MPH, University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health; Cora E. Lewis, MD, MSPH, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine; Jessica B. Lewis, LMFT, Yale School of Public Health; Lisa Kane Low, PhD, CNM, FACNM, FAAN, University of Michigan; Jerry L. Lowder, MD, MS, Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine; Emily S. Lukacz, MD, MAS, University of California San Diego Health System; Mary H. Palmer, PhD, RN, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Child Obesity Prevention Programs: Where Is the Evidence?
Jennifer M. DiNallo, PhD, Pennsylvania State University; Erica L Rauff, PhD, The Pennsylvania State University; Miranda P Kaye, PhD, The Pennsylvania State University; Daniel Perkins, PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Fitness Trackers Increase Self-Monitoring but Do Not Lead to Increased Physical Activity
Kerry S. Whittaker, PhD, Research Facilitation Laboratory; Stacy A. Hawkins, PhD, Research Facilitation Laboratory; Jill A. Brown, PhD, Army Public Health Center; Kristine Liu, PhD, Research Facilitation Laboratory; Theresa Jackson Santo, PhD, Army Public Health Center