Session: Helpful or Harmful: The Impact of the Social Context on At-Risk Adolescents (Society for Prevention Research 25th Annual Meeting)

3-011 Helpful or Harmful: The Impact of the Social Context on At-Risk Adolescents

Thursday, June 1, 2017: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Bryce (Hyatt Regency Washington, Washington DC)
Theme: Building Healthier Communities through Investments in Prevention
Sharon Lambert

* noted as presenting author
WITHDRAWN: Impact of Microaggressions on Homeless Youth of Color
Amanda Sisselman-Borgia, PhD, Lehman College CUNY; Mia Budescu, PhD, Lehman College; Gina Torino, PhD, Empire State College
Reciprocal Relations Between Traumatic Stress and Physical Aggression Among Early Adolescence
Erin L Thompson, MS, Virginia Commonwealth University; Albert Delos Farrell, PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University
Mentor’s Self-Efficacy Trajectories during a Mentoring Program for at-Risk Adolescents
Ashley Chesmore, MPH, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Lindsey Weiler, PhD, University of Minnesota; Molly Bailey, MS, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Shelley Haddock, PhD, Colorado State University; Kimberly Henry, Ph.D., Colorado State University