Abstract: Factor Structure and Validity of Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire - Junior (SIQ-JR) in a Southwestern American Indian Adolescent Sample. (Society for Prevention Research 25th Annual Meeting)

472 Factor Structure and Validity of Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire - Junior (SIQ-JR) in a Southwestern American Indian Adolescent Sample.

Friday, June 2, 2017
Yosemite (Hyatt Regency Washington, Washington DC)
* noted as presenting author
Kyle, X. Hill, PhD, Associate Faculty, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Kathryn Van Eck, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of South Carolina, Baltimore, MD
In a psychometric study utilizing data from high-risk adolescent respondants from a Southwest tribe, the present investigation conducted a confirmatory factor analysis to determine factor structure of the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire - Junior (SIQ-JR). Results confirmed the presence of two factors with adequate model fit - 1. General Ideation construct, and; 2. Active Ideation construct. Model fit improved with a 12-item construct, rather than the full 15-item SIQ-JR. Further, both factors within SIQ-JR displayed high internal consistency within the sample of AI adolescents. The SIQ-JR also converged with other sources of suicidal behavior, namely, those with thoughts of suicide and suicide plans had higher scores on the SIQ-JR factors. Similarly, SIQ-JR subscales were correlated to life stressors, depressive symptoms and social functioning. Implications for practice and primary care and behavioral health integration will be provided for use of the SIQ-JR within American Indian populations.