Intervention. Our trauma informed intervention, We Can! Building Relationships and Resilience, is a monthly professional development training that is delivered to all school personnel. The goal is for the whole school to receive ACE information and trauma-informed trainings so that all adults that the youth interact with will be operating from a shared understanding. The intervention consists of didactic training as well as experiential learning. The didactic portion consists of psycho-education about ACEs, toxic stress, childhood development, and using trauma-informed practices in a classroom setting.
Data Collection. Qualitative and quantitative data has been and will continue to be collected through 4 time points throughout the year. Currently we have obtained baseline data and monthly focus groups. Concepts measured include: school culture and climate, teacher student relationships, influence of trauma on student’s behaviors, promotion of resilience, and staff confidence and efficacy. Based on pilot data last year, the reliability and validity of these measures were good with Cronbach alpha ranging from .73-.91.
Results. In our presentation, we will provide an overview of our intervention and the mixed methods results from 5 elementary schools and 3 control schools throughout the fall semester. We will report on preliminary data from 2 time points: baseline and time 2 out of 4.