Session: Preventing Alcohol Use in High Risk Populations (Society for Prevention Research 24th Annual Meeting)

4-050 Preventing Alcohol Use in High Risk Populations

Friday, June 3, 2016: 2:45 PM-4:15 PM
Garden Room A (Hyatt Regency San Francisco)
Theme: Promoting Health Equity Among Populations at Risk
Dionne Godette

* noted as presenting author
Predictors of Drinking-Related Traffic Incidents in a High-Risk Sample
Jennifer Jester, PhD, University of MIchigan; Eduardo Romano, PhD, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation; Mary Heitzeg, PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Robert Zucker, PhD, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
The Anexo: A New Alcoholics Anonymous-Based Recovery and Prevention Resource in Latino Communities
Anna Pagano, PhD, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation; Victor Garcia, PhD, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Multi-Site Community Suicide and Alcohol Prevention Trial with Rural Alaska Native Youth: Outcomes from the Qungasvik Project
Jim Allen, PhD, University of Minnesota-Duluth; Stacy Rasmus, PhD, University of Alaska, Fairbanks; Billy Charles, BA, University of Alaska, Fairbanks; Carlotta Ching Ting Fok, PhD, University of Alaska, Fairbanks