Between 2008 and 2012, 14 Kansas communities were funded by SAMHSA to support implementation of the SPF with the goal of reducing underage drinking. In accordance with SPF, funded community prevention coalitions selected and implemented evidence-based programs and environmental strategies. A team of state and contracted partners served as a prevention support team, which provided training and technical assistance to guide coalitions’ strategy implementation and evaluation supports. The Southeast Kansas Education Service Center and the Work Group for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas supported the data collection and evaluation of coalition prevention efforts.
In the symposium, three presentations will examine the implementation and effectiveness of the Kansas SPF-SIG implementation on preventing and reducing 30-day alcohol use and binge drinking in Kansas. The presentations will include results from the multi-site evaluation, as well as an in-depth case study of a single KS SPF-SIG coalition’s prevention efforts. Furthermore, a methodology for measuring the intensity, or potential impact of prevention interventions on community-level outcomes will be presented. The symposium will allow for the audience to dialogue with presenters regarding results, lessons learned, and methodologies for conducting across and within-site evaluations of community-based interventions.
Keywords: Strategic prevention framework, SPF, underage drinking, CTC