We examined both conventional ideas of barriers and cognitive barriers using a mixed-methods design. We collected quantitative data from parent (n = 131) and teacher (n = 23) surveys, as well as qualitative data from focus groups with parents (n = 42). All participants were enrolled in an innovative play-based curriculum, Getting Ready for School (GRS), currently being piloted in 13 ethnically diverse Head Start classrooms in New York City. GRS supports children’s math, literacy, and self-regulation skills through parallel activities at school and home. Because GRS incorporates learning activities at home, parent engagement is essential to program success. Analyses showed that, although most parents were aware of the GRS program and wanted to participate, less than 50% attended GRS orientations and only 29% engaged in GRS activities as assigned. This was a result both of conventional barriers (e.g., poor parent-teacher communication, lack of child interest, timing of workshops), as well as cognitive barriers: parents had difficulty carving out the time needed to engage in GRS activities, were confused about the rewards of program participation, and did not understand the relationship between classroom and home-based activities. However, teachers and parents respected and trusted each other, presenting potential ways to scaffold communication and delivery to enhance parent involvement in GRS activities.
Findings are discussed with respect to identifying barriers and enhancing the design of early childhood interventions in ways that maximize parent involvement.