Abstract: WITHDRAWN: A Research Synthesis of Evidence-Based Technical Assistance to Enhance Prevention Capacity (Society for Prevention Research 24th Annual Meeting)

24 WITHDRAWN: A Research Synthesis of Evidence-Based Technical Assistance to Enhance Prevention Capacity

Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Pacific D/L (Hyatt Regency San Francisco)
* noted as presenting author
Jason S. Katz, PhD, Researcher, American Institutes for Research, Washington, DC
Abraham Wandersman, PhD, Professor, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
Introduction. Despite the availability of many evidence based prevention interventions (EBIs), gaps exist in bringing these programs into widespread practice. Technical assistance (TA) is a strategy for enhancing the readiness of practitioners to implement EBIs. Although many millions of dollars are spent on TA each year, there is little consensus about what the essential features of TA are and how to provide TA with quality.

Methods. A broad-based research synthesis methodology was used for analyzing  the current evidence base for TA using three frames: (1) applying the Getting To Outcomes (GTO) model for categorizing evidence on TA that specifies tasks for planning, implementing and evaluating TA; (2) understanding the relevance of a successful relationship between the TA provider and TA recipient; and (3) considering the extent to which TA fits the life-span needs of the preventive intervention.

Results. Results indicated high variability in the utilization of TA tasks. The apparent omission of systematic forethought in selecting and using tasks may be reflected in the finding that tasks were largely independent of the innovation life-span. Relationships are reported relatively frequently at multiple stages in the life-span.

Conclusions. Overall, this synthesis indicates that the rigor with which TA is being delivered is limited.  We suggest that funders and other stakeholders develop and implement standards for TA quality in order to assure that many of these limitations are improved.