Thirty-four percent of youth reported at least one peer harassment victimization in the past year (n=230 youth). These youth talked to us about a total of 311 unique harassment incidents. Of these incidents, over half (54%) only occurred in-person – no technology was involved in any way; 31% were mixed in-person and technology incidents where the harassment occurred in both types of environments; and 15% only occurred through technology.
In this 20x20 talk four common assumptions about why technology might amplify the harm of peer harassment will be discussed by drawing on quantitative findings from the THV Study. Specifically, the assumptions that: 1) more youth can see the abuse and join in when it occurs online; 2) the ability to post content anonymously and to widespread audiences is expanded through technology; 3) the idea that victims cannot get away from it once harassing content is online; and 4) that incidents involving technology are actually more emotionally upsetting. Findings should help to quell concerns about possible inherently harmful features of technology. Youth reporting mixed technology and in-person harassment should be a priority for educators and prevention experts who are trying to identify the most serious and harmful experiences.