Methods: We collected data from 1,129 pre-school teachers across the US. Teachers responded on items regarding environmental chaos, occupational self-efficacy (e.g., disciplinary efficacy), and professional commitment. We conducted structural equation modeling with Full Information Maximum Likelihood estimation in STATA 14.0 to test the direct and indirect associations between environmental chaos and teachers’ commitment through their occupational self-efficacy. We controlled for teachers’ demographics (age, sex, race/ethnicity, marital status, general health, salary, and household income), professional background (educational attainment, teaching license, experience years, lead teacher status, participation in professional development), program characteristics (size, non-profit, public pre-K, Head Start, national accreditation), and children’s behaviors.
Results: We found that childcare chaos was directly associated with a latent variable, teachers’ professional commitment (6 items, α = 82; β = -.21, p < .001). In addition, occupational self-efficacy variables mediated the associations between childcare chaos and professional commitment (indirect effect = -.02 - -.03, p < .05). This indicates that when teachers were in more chaotic environments, they reported lower levels of occupational self-efficacy, which in turn were associated with lower levels of professional commitment. The model fit was adequate, χ2 (111) = 401.33, p < .01, RMSEA = .05, CFI = .92.
Conclusion: The current study suggests the need to support teachers who are experiencing chaos to improve their commitment. Interventions aimed at improving not only management of chaos, but also sense of self-efficacy, would benefit teachers’ job satisfaction and support retention.