This study will compare data on 100 public middle and high schools in California and Florida that hired SROs through the Department of Justice’s 2013 and 2014 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) to data on 100 similar schools that did not receive COPS grants (or otherwise add SROs). Monthly disciplinary and arrest data will be collected for each school included in the study for approximately two years prior to and following the deployment of newly-funded SRO officers in the schools. The study will assess the extent to which changes in the measured outcomes corresponds with the addition of the new SROs. The goal of the three-year study is to determine the effects of an increase in SRO placement on schools, communities and students. Numerous outcomes will be measured, including the SRO approach (and “dose”) used, and how SRO effects vary both by student characteristics (including race and ethnicity) and by community and school characteristics. The researchers will also perform a validity study in 16 schools (approximately 200 students) to determine whether the reporting of disciplinary incidents is affected by the increased presence of SROs. The study’s findings have the potential to redefine the role of and the training requirements for SROs. Information from this study will help communities to determine if the placement of SROs in their schools is warranted or if resources could be more profitably invested in alternative approaches. This presentation will describe the study and present data on the types of schools included in the study, the characteristics of SROs placed in these schools, and the typical SRO dosage made possible by the CHP grants to law enforcement agencies.