Session: Substance Use and Suicide Risk in American Indian Adolescents (Society for Prevention Research 23rd Annual Meeting)

(3-040) Substance Use and Suicide Risk in American Indian Adolescents

Thursday, May 28, 2015: 1:15 PM-2:45 PM
Congressional D (Hyatt Regency Washington)
Theme: Epidemiology and Etiology
Symposium Organizer:
Dorothy Espelage

* noted as presenting author
A Qualitative Exploration of Motives for Binge Alcohol and Substance Use Among American Indian Adolescents
Lauren Tingey, MPH, MSW, Johns Hopkins University; Mary Cwik, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University; Novalene Goklish, BA, The Johns Hopkins University; Francene Larzelere-Hinton, BA, The Johns Hopkins University; Angelita Lee, BA, Johns Hopkins University; Rosemarie Suttle, AA, The Johns Hopkins University; Rachel Strom, MPH, The Johns Hopkins University; Allison Barlow, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University
A Profile of Urban American Indian Youth's Substance Use
Stephen S. Kulis, PhD, Arizona State University; Justin Jager, PhD, Arizona State University; Stephanie Ayers, PhD, Arizona State University; Husain Lateef, MSW, Arizona State University
Community-Based Suicide Surveillance and Follow-up: A Tribally Initiated Public Health Response
Mary Cwik, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University; Lauren Tingey, MPH, MSW, Johns Hopkins University; Novalene Goklish, BA, The Johns Hopkins University; Francene Larzelere Hinton, BA, The Johns Hopkins University; Allison Barlow, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University