Session: Childhood Interventions for Disenfranchised Populations (Society for Prevention Research 23rd Annual Meeting)

(4-044) Childhood Interventions for Disenfranchised Populations

Friday, May 29, 2015: 2:45 PM-4:15 PM
Concord (Hyatt Regency Washington)
Theme: Scaling Effective Early Childhood Interventions
Symposium Organizer:
Daniel Romer

* noted as presenting author
Bulundidi Gudaga: The Impact of Epidemiological and Intervention Research on Maternal and Child Health Service Policy and Program Delivery for Australian Aboriginal Families in an Urban Community and Beyond
Rebekah Grace, PhD, Macquarie University; Lynn Kemp, PhD, University of New South Wales; Emma Elcombe, MA, University of New South Wales; Jenny Knight, PhD, University of New South Wales; Elizabeth Comino, PhD, University of New South Wales
Scaling the Family Spirit Early Childhood Home-Visiting Intervention: The First Peoples Have Much to Teach Us
Allison Barlow, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University; Crystal Kee, ., The Johns Hopkins University; Jennifer Richards, MPH, The Johns Hopkins University; Kristen Speakman, MPH, The Johns Hopkins University; Nicole Neault, MPH, The Johns Hopkins University; Anne Kenney, MPH, The Johns Hopkins University; Allison Ingalls, MPH, The Johns Hopkins University; John Walkup, MD, Weill Cornell Medical College/New York Presbyterian Hospital
Preparing Students for Success: How Preschool Expansion May Have Improved Elementary School Outcomes for Children in Baltimore City, Maryland
Stacey W Lloyd, MPH, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Faith Connolly, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University; Adam Milam, PhD, Johns Hopkins University; Linda Olson, MA, The Johns Hopkins University; Philip Leaf, PhD, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health