Methods: The IMM methodology, as described above, was used to study sociocultural and psychological factors in motivations for diabetes prevention in a purposively sampled group of 31 Latino and Latina adults. Ratings from two independent coders were used to generate a final solution for the generation of numeric thematic variables to be used as predictors in planned small-sample regression model analyses.
Results: The preliminary emergent themes from this IMM analysis: (a) for the Perceived Causes of Diabetes were: genetic factors, poor diet, lack of exercise, and multiple synergistic factors. Then for (b) the Sources of Familial Social Support (for both diet and exercise), the emergent themes were: emotional and tangible support from spouses in regards to exercise, siblings who motivate their siblings to exercise and to eat healthier, and parents who provide financial support their children’s exercise efforts. The identified thematic variables will be used to conduct small-sample regression model analyses of: (a) the predictors of perceived risks of developing T2D, and of (b) level of motivation for healthy behavior change to prevent type 2 diabetes.
Conclusions: Preliminary conclusions are that: (a) these Latino participants have diverse perceptions regarding their attributed causes of T2D onset, including folk beliefs; and (b) that the sources of social support for diabetes prevention consist primarily of emotional and tangible forms of support that vary by type of family members involved. Further analyses will provide more detailed results from the noted small-sample regression model analyses.