Abstract: Evaluation of the Prevention Matters Programme in Buckinghamshire (United Kingdom) (Society for Prevention Research 23rd Annual Meeting)

32 Evaluation of the Prevention Matters Programme in Buckinghamshire (United Kingdom)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Everglades (Hyatt Regency Washington)
* noted as presenting author
Miguel Garcia-Sanchez, PhD, Director, Aldaba, London, United Kingdom
Prevention Matters is a preventative care programme for adults who live in Buckinghamshire. Its total funding is £4 million for the period 2013 to 2016. The aim is to involve up to 6,000 participants and more than 100 organisations that provide services such as befriending and adapted transport. 21 practitioners work to signpost participants to preventative services and to identify preventative needs that can be met through new additional services, partly funded also through the programme. There is a volunteer hub that recruits new volunteers for the local communities. Outcomes include health, wellbeing, and active participation in social activities. It is the first time that a preventative programme of this scale has been tried in the United Kingdom.

Buckinghamshire County Council has engaged a team of evaluation experts to conduct an evaluation of Prevention Matters over two years. The evaluation includes logic model review, process mapping, impact assessment (longitudinal outcome measurement), and cost-benefit analysis. The focus of the evaluation is on the economic returns that can be expected from delaying the point in time when adults require formal social care. Specific econometric techniques include valuation of health gains, and cost-savings to the health and social care systems.

The presentation at the conference will focus on the overall approach to the evaluation, including details of the costing work done as part of the cost-benefit analysis. High-level findings on baseline and initial, 6-month follow-up outcomes will also be available.