Abstract: Fifteen-Minute Comprehensive Alcohol Risk Survey: Reliability and Validity Across American Indian and White Adolescents (Society for Prevention Research 23rd Annual Meeting)

19 Fifteen-Minute Comprehensive Alcohol Risk Survey: Reliability and Validity Across American Indian and White Adolescents

Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Regency D (Hyatt Regency Washington)
* noted as presenting author
Melvin D. Livingston, PhD, Assistant Research Scientist, Institute for Child Health Policy, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Kelli Ann Komro, PhD, Professor and Associate Director, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Terrence Kominsky, PhD, Behavioral Health Research & Evaluation Coordinator, Cherokee Nation Behavioral Health, Tahlequah, OK
Bethany Livingston, BS, Research Coordinator, Institute for Child Health Policy, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Brady Garrett, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Cherokee Nation, Tahlequah, OK
Mildred M. Maldonado-Molina, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Misty L. Boyd, PhD, Psychologist, Cherokee Nation Behavioral Health, Tahlequah, OK
Introduction: American Indians suffer from significant alcohol-related health disparities, and increased risk begins early. This paper examines the reliability and validity of measures to be used in a preventive intervention trial. Reliability and validity across racial/ethnic subgroups is critical to evaluate intervention effectiveness and promote culturally appropriate evidence-based practice.

Methods: To assess reliability and validity, we used three baseline surveys of high school students participating in a preventive intervention trial within the jurisdictional service area of the Cherokee Nation in northeastern Oklahoma. The fifteen-minute alcohol risk survey included 16 multi-item scales and one composite score measuring key proximal, primary and moderating variables. Forty-four percent of students indicated they were American Indian (AI; of which 82% were Cherokee), including 23% who reported being AI only (n =435) and 18% both AI and White (n =352). Forty-seven percent reported being White only (n =901).

Results: Scales were adequately reliable for the full sample and across race/ethnicity defined by AI, AI/White and White subgroups. Among the full sample, all scales had acceptable internal consistency, with minor variation across race/ethnicity. All scales had extensive to exemplary test-retest reliability, and showed minimal variation across race/ethnicity. The eight proximal and two primary outcome scales were each significantly associated with frequency of alcohol use during the past month in both the cross-sectional and longitudinal models, providing support for both criterion and predictive validity. For most scales, interpretation of strength of association and statistical significance did not differ between the racial/ethnic subgroups.

Conclusions: Results support the reliability and validity of scales of a brief questionnaire measuring risk and protective factors for alcohol use, among AI adolescents, primarily members of the Cherokee Nation.