Session: Crime and Violent Injury: Implications for Prevention (Society for Prevention Research 22nd Annual Meeting)

2-049 Crime and Violent Injury: Implications for Prevention

Wednesday, May 28, 2014: 4:30 PM-6:00 PM
Congressional C (Hyatt Regency Washington)
Theme: Epidemiology and Etiology
Maureen Reynolds

* noted as presenting author
The Long-Term Consequences of Criminal Justice System Intervention Among a Cohort of African Americans
Elaine Eggleston Doherty, PhD, University of Missouri-Saint Louis; Kerry Green, PhD, University of Maryland College Park School of Public Health; Jaclyn Cwick, MA, University of Missouri-Saint Louis; Margaret E. Ensminger, PhD, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Understanding Risk Factors for Recurrent Violent Injury Among Young African-American Men
Joseph Richardson, PhD, University of Maryland at College Park; Christopher St. Vil, PhD, University of Maryland at College Park
CPTED: Principles of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Assessed in the Middle School Setting
Kevin J. Vagi, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Mark Stevens, MSPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Kathleen Basile, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Thomas R. Simon, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention