This study was conducted using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (AddHealth). AddHealth is a longitudinal study with a large nationally representative sample of adolescents. Females who completed all four waves of surveys (N=5,507) were included in analyses. Ten items were used to assess violence occurrence in the past 12 months (e.g., “hurt someone badly enough to need care from doctor.”) and delinquency (e.g., “stole something worth more than $50”). Wave 1 items assessed lifetime prevalence and waves 2-4 assessed prevalence in the past 12 months. The items were analyzed separately to assess prevalence at each wave, but were also used to create a cumulative index at each wave (range 0-30) and two 5-item sub-indices for each wave (violent and non-violent/delinquent).
The sample’s age at wave 1 was 15.48, wave 2 was 16.41, wave 3 was 21.84, and wave 4 was 28.34. A majority were White (74%) and Black (16%). Preliminary results will assess whether or not females follow specific developmental patterns of violent and delinquent behavior. In additional analyses using MPlus, we will fit longitudinal latent classes and report on each grouping to determine female violence and delinquency trajectories. We will discuss the developmental patterns of our findings and discuss implications for the timing and types of programs that hold the most promise for preventing female violent and delinquent behavior.