Co-chairs: Marie-Hélène Véronneau, PhD, Université du Québec à Montréal, and Jessica Duncan Cance, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
Panel: Brenda A. Miller, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Prevention Research Center/PIRE, Maureen Reynolds, PhD, Center Administrator, Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research, Research Assistant, Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Pittsburgh and; Jeff Temple, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Texas Medical Branch.
You just got funding to conduct a new study or to implement a prevention program in a real-world setting? Congratulations! Now, it’s time to buy the material you need, hire staff… and keep track of the money you spend (or plan to spend) on those precious resources. This can become complicated, especially if you are combining various sources of funding to work on a project (e.g., university funding, NIH grant, and foundation money), or if a single source of funding can be used for multiple projects (e.g., startup funds). The goal of this session is to have experienced scientists working in academic or research institute settings share a few tricks with early career preventionists to help them get their budget in order—before, during, and after the completion of the research project.