Abstract: Fidelity Measurement in the Midwest Expansion of the Child-Parent Center Education Program (Society for Prevention Research 21st Annual Meeting)

33 Fidelity Measurement in the Midwest Expansion of the Child-Parent Center Education Program

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Grand Ballroom B (Hyatt Regency San Francisco)
* noted as presenting author
Mallory N. Warner-Richter, MPP, Research Fellow, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN
Molly Sullivan, MA, Coordinator, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN
Erin M. Lease, MA, Research Fellow, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN
Introduction: This project examines pathways for successful replication of CPC based on results from the Chicago Longitudinal Study. Specifically, this paper studies the fidelity of the six key strategies of CPC in 30 sites across Illinois and Minnesota, beginning in fall 2012.  The sites vary in several characteristics (i.e. location, urbanicity, and funding agency) which allows for examination of contextual factors that may enhance implementation and, ultimately, well-being.  Initial results indicate that implementation efforts have been successful in setting in place the six strategies of the intervention. 


Methods:  The fidelity study is structured around the six key strategies of the CPC intervention. It is evaluated using a multi-method approach that includes observations, structured interviews, surveys, and administrative data. Multiple indicators measure each strategy, and many indicators have multiple reporters to ensure concurrent validity. Implementation fidelity is measured in the fall and the spring of each program year. Data collection begins in fall 2012 and continues through 2017, the end of the 3rd grade year. 

Results: Preliminary results of year 1 data collection show that implementation fidelity of the six key strategies across the 26 preK sites is high. Eighty-one percent of classrooms meet the required class size and child: teacher ratio (strategy1: effective learning experiences from PreK-3rd). At the time of submission, a majority of sites submitted an aligned curriculum plan (strategy 2: aligned curriculum). Parent resource rooms are established in 24 of 26 sites (strategy 3: parental involvement). All sites have established leadership teams and communication tools (strategy 4: collaborative leadership team). All superintendents endorsed a written policy that allows students who start in CPC to stay at the site, regardless of their mobility or other district policies (strategy 5: continuity and stability). Ninety percent of site leaders participated in the first professional development session (strategy 6: professional development). Final results for year 1 will be tabulated in spring 2013. The results of the implementation fidelity study will inform the child and family outcomes study, and the technical assistance provided by the replication project team.

Conclusions: The results of the implementation fidelity of the CPC replication have implications for further expansion and scale-up of the intervention. This replication provides an understanding of the generalizability of the CPC model. Finally, the results will inform practices in PreK-3rd programs and local, state, and federal policies that enable the effective implementation of the program.